In 2016, after eight years of health care and immigration debacles, epidemics and lawlessness, the Democrat Party implodes. But from its corpse a new, oligarchic, neo-fascist Progressive Party rises on a sea of fat cat cash. Its political philosophy is simple: representative democracy is an obsolete and outdated concept from another era. Modern governments should be controlled by experts and forceful leaders, not 18th century debating societies.

Through clever changes to the voting laws, a few well chosen dossiers supplied by the NSA, and a general amnesty, the Progressives seize control of the presidency. They swiftly consolidate their grip on the country through the endless alphabet soup of Federal agencies to which lazy Congresses, over many years, delegated vast regulatory authority. Overnight, without a shot being fired, the nation slips into dictatorship.

But things do not go well. Laws and policies once hammered out by political compromise are replaced by an endless stream ill-thought-out executive decrees. The economy spirals into irreversible depression. The government responds in the only way it know how, by printing ever more money in order to survive and service its EBT clients.

Soon, the nation collapses into chaos. The money is worthless. The cities are charred ruins from food riots and epidemics. States secede and print their own money. Mexican armies recapture large areas of the southwest. The nation is paralyzed.

Though all seems lost, the people finally rise up to smash the Washington leviathan. But the wounded beast fights back.

Note: If you consider yourself a Progressive, please avail yourself of the Moonbat link below. This book is not for you.

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